Jose Wejebe

Jose Wejebe was born in Havan Cuba in 1958 during Castro’s communist revolution. Jose’s father was imprisoned for speaking out against the Castro regime, and after losing everything to the Cuban government, the Wejebe family was able to make it to America.

At a young age Wejebe became obsessed with exploring under the sea. He got a job at an aquarium, and learned how to fly fish, and started guiding by age 18.

Wejebe worked for decades as a guide, predominantly in Southern Florida, eventually landing his own TV show, The Spanish Fly.

Jose was charitable, working with Make a Wish Foundation, Big Brothers and Big Sister, Cystic Fibrosis, and Hooked on a Cure.

I was lucky to meet Jose at a fishing expo during high school. He was just as I had perceived him on TV, obsessed with fishing, and loved learning from others who are too.

On April 6, 2012, 3 hours after catching this tarpon, Wejebe was killed flying his single engine plane. There is now a charity set up in his name, the Jose Wejebe Memorial Foundation.

He was the greatest steward the sport of fishing has ever seen.

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Author: Googan

Follow Googan on twitter @_wickedliberty

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